I referred my boyfriend to a position where I am also working so we would be teammates. (It is a WFH opportunity) He would be excellent in this role as he has years of experience. We have been working from home since Covid started and everything works well within us so I do not really understand if it really is a problem. There are several couples at the company so I do not think it would interfere with hr issues. I told my manager about it and she was a bit bossy with me maybe I made a mistake referring him… what do you think?

  1. If it’s on the same team, it would be an issue (even if he is highly qualified). If it was a different team it would be acceptable.

  2. Everyplace that I have worked had prohibitions about this sort of thing. Think about it this way: if he had a problem at work, how would you be viewed? If you got promoted, would you be his boss? That is usually strictly prohibited. And if you two broke up, how would that be at work?

  3. Thanks for your answers! Yes you are right I hope this won’t get me into trouble I mean it is just a referral so maybe worst case scenario they just cancel this process and we can move on right?

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