What is the best thing about dating a chubby woman?

  1. She tries. The hotter the girl, the less she tends to try at anything in the relationship. I dated a hot girl in college and she put zero effort into our relationship. I dated a chubby girl afterwards and she was just so fucking pleasant and reciprocal. It felt like I had a partner and not just some prize I had to fight to keep from competitors.

  2. She’s much more likely to be less of a pain in the ass and more accommodating and agreeable. As she actually has to make an effort for acceptance socially as opposed to getting a free ride like her skinny counterparts

  3. More often than not they can actually cook some good to decent meal. It’s scary how rare that skill became.

  4. Honestly, every chubby girl I’ve known(dated or otherwise) is at least a decent cook. The softer and larger features are just a bonus when you find out she can cook a killer meal.

  5. Emotional connection and love that you may develop with her

    Most of my ex girlfriends have been chubby but then so am I. So I’d be a hypocrite if I whined about it and a bit of chub doesn’t bother me.

  6. There’s more to love and appreciate. Don’t let the folks who follow these alpha pages fool you. Hefty women are cool bruh. Once they break out of their shell it’s like watching a butterfly spread its wings to flourish. Shit is beautiful.

  7. Cuddling a chubby woman is way more comfortable than cuddling a thin woman

    Also, if they love to eat, they know how to cook

  8. Some of us prefer them to women who have to borrow pocket change for the scale to register them. Some of us also place as much importance (or more) on her character and receptiveness as we do her physical assets.

    Sometimes they really do make the rockin’ world go round.

  9. I don’t enjoy it as much as with a woman who takes care of her body/fitness… but I’m sure it’s more woman to love and cherish for many guys. For me it’s more about the deep connection with her if I’m not dating her that much for looks.

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