My boyfriend (24/m) and I (24/f) of 1 year,had a bad argument yesterday.

The day started off with me in a bad mood and being off with him because I was overthinking a random previous situation and it got me mad at him. He was frustrated with me because of this throughout the day but we managed to table it and agree to talk at another time.

It was our works Christmas party so we went there in good spirits and of course had a few drinks, everything was going well until something annoyed me and I was very drunk at this point. I then was very rude to him in front of my brother by calling him out for hugging his female friend. This infuriated him and when we got home he was really annoyed and had a go at me…I stupidly suggested “well let’s just break up tomorrow then” because I was drunk and chatting shit.

This made him so angry and he told me to get out of his bed and go home and “fuck off”, as I was packing my things he was telling me if I apologise I can ‘come back to bed’ so I refused to apologise and continued to argue. To which he then got up and came into my personal space close to me and arguing in my face, he went back into bed and did this again another 2 times before eventually staying in bed and I got in and we went to sleep.

Today we’ve both been upset, me with him getting in my face and he is upset that I pushed him to the point where he gets that angry and does something bad.

How can we move forward?

Tl;dr: I got very drunk and kept antagonising my partner by being rude, he then snapped and got in my face

1 comment
  1. Be aware with this: *”he is upset that I pushed him to the point where he gets that angry and does something bad”*

    It’s normal to get angry or something. but if he gets angry and do something bad, you shouldn’t think that this is your fault. And this is really serious. You problably already saw that couple fights where a man beats a woman and say something like “this is you fault” “look what you made me do” and etc.

    This is something bad, if someone is struggling with anger issues, maybe ’cause is going through a hard time, they should work on it. Maybe go look for a professional help or something. It would be better for him and for you, if that’s the case. Getting angry and arguing in normal, but be aware of the limits of it.

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