I live alone (renting) in a one bed flat. I’m going to be out of the country for a couple of months so my flat will be empty. I don’t want to spend crazy money on bills by leaving the heating on while I’m away but am also worried about freezing pipes and mould – the flat gets quite damp.

I was thinking of switching the water off but in terms of heating, I’m wondering if I can rely on the boiler’s frost protection mechanism by setting the thermostat to 12-15 degrees and setting the radiators to frost mode? Or would it be more sensible to set the heating on a timer to come on for two fifteen minute intervals each day? It’s a gas combi boiler if that helps.

Any advice?

  1. U can set it to kick in at 5c. If your flat is surrounded by others it’ll probably be fine with everything off

  2. This goes for any time of year.

    If your windows have vents or can be left in a slightly open but locked position then make sure they are open to promote air circulation. Otherwise you will come back to a lot of mould

  3. Buy a load of cheap table salt. Place soup bowls full of it on the windowsills of each room to absorb moisture. Two on each sill will surfice. Costs will be negligible and you will come home to a damp free and non musty home.

  4. Can you get a neighbour to check in? I’m currently away from my flat for a short while. I have CCTV and a neighbour that checks in, turns on heating and other things. She keeps a good eye on things for me and I do the same for her when she’s away.

  5. You’ve covered all the big things but what I would add, if there’s someone you can trust to swing by every couple of weeks, do that. More than anything to run the taps and flush the toilet. But also to get a sense if everything is fine.

    Most modern boilers and thermostats are pretty good with frost protection/holiday modes, so you’re good with that.

    Also, have you checked the terms of your home insurance?

  6. If you’re surrounded by other flats then just turn the heating off. If not leave it on very low twice a day.

    Turn the water off.

    Unplug everything.

    The table salt tip is good advice.

    Empty the fridge & freezer. Turn them off and leave the doors open.

    Leave the door to the washing machine open.

    Put a small dash of baby oil down each plughole and toilet (reduces evaporation – you don’t want to come back to find the water trap has dried out)

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