STOP HANGING OUT with people who makes fun of you all the time when you meet with them, chances are that they keep you around because making fun of you makes them look cool in front of others or maybe it makes them feel good about themselves.

I had few friends and whenever I used to hang with them they always made fun of me all the time. I used to laugh at myself when they made a joke on me and showed them I don’t really care but after sometime it started making me feel bad. After a while I cut them off from my life and later found new friends who valued me.

NOTE – Every friendships are different but if you are feeling bad like I used to and they won’t stop even after you asked them to stop then cutting them off is best option.


  1. 100%
    The goal of developing social skills should be to “find your tribe” – and to build a solid circle of fulfilling relationships.
    It’s NOT to win every social interaction or get every human you ever encounter to like you. That isn’t just impossible – but trying to do so will actually *prevent* you from finding real, deep connections with people.

  2. I completely understand the sentiment and you should choose your friends wisely, but you should carefully assess their jokes are they true and are they with good intent. Peers arent there just to make you feel comfortable, they are there also to help you grow as a person and get rid of your obvious bad habits. Also develop your tough skin people are to mentally fragile these days. You should tease back as much as you get so they know you aren’t a pushover.

  3. I would add that before you cut your relationship with your old friends, tell them how you feel about the jokes. They might not have realized that they were hurting you with their jokes and maybe they just thought it was all fun and games. If they are still making fun of you after you had that conversation with them, then yes, ending the friendship is a brilliant idea.

  4. I can only speak for male specimens, but breaking balls is a huge dimension of friendship between men. Giving and taking. Of course some fellas go overboard and maybe then you should consider cutting em pff. But otherwise I think it’s fundamental. It helps you develop a thick skin, quick wit, assertiveness. It’s one of God’s beautiful creations.

  5. YES!!! I especially agree with the “you don’t need friends for the sake of having friends” I came to the realization today that no company is truely better than neutral company. it’s often said no company is better than bad company but I think this even applies to the those people you have in your life that you might not necessarily feel super close and connected with but they’re nice enough so you still hangout with them. They’re more like acquaintances. They’re not bad people they’re just not *your* people.

    For me I tend to settle for acquaintances simply because that already feels like a hard enough level of interaction to achieve but I really want to push for finding my tribe and stop trying to make a tribe out of acquaintances when I know we don’t have that much in common.

  6. Also don’t be a bitch…some of these boys may die for you may not. Learn your environment. Be a king

  7. Give me a suggestion

    In my class, there are a bunch of friends whom I used to hang out with, and one dude always makes it a point to put his puns and jokes on me and since there are girls as well, he becomes cool that way. I feel bad that I can’t have any come back and let him make fun of me even if it the slightest joke.
    This way I sometimes feel I have lost the self confidence? What do I do? I feel that If I don’t be with them I’ll be all alone and lonely and I am hell scared of that…

    Also thanks for bringing this up

  8. As an autistic guy, I can relate cos I thought both ppl who I was friends with, I thought they were just fuckin around but they were actually trying to make fun of me.

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