East Asian background, I was raised in a family that doesn’t openly express love, nor most emotionally bonding emotions, not saying we don’t care for each other, it is just expressed through smaller actions and i think we all have a mutual understanding that we do love each other.

Being raised in this environment, I naturally carried these actions to my relationship with my gf of 3 month. However, recently she opened up to me that she is starting to get tired waiting for my lack of expression, saying this does not feel like a proper relationship. I’ve long noticed this issue of mine but this time it really dawned on me that if I do not start making changes, things between us could end very soon.

I am always under the impression that pushing things could make her uncomfortable and that is the last thing I want, so our close interactions has stalled to only kissing on the cheek (should note that she is a lot more experienced with relationships than I am, so I might be over thinking that I could do too much but is actually not doing enough), and our text convo are mainly just small talk and updates.

I am desperate to break this barrier of mine but is struggling to find a proper way, please advise me on how to start making changes, thanks heaps.

tldr: What can I do to properly and effectively express my love to my gf

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