Do you swipe right by just looking at the profile picture, or do you read the whole profile?

As many women get a crazy amount of “likes” on their profile, I am just wondering if people in general will right swipe on about anyone. I am assuming that most women are very selective who they right swipe on.

  1. I like to read their bio and interests. Physical attraction only goes so far. Would be nice to actually have something to talk with them about or some stuff we can actually enjoy together.

  2. I look at the total package. If I am not at all attracted to the woman, my inclination is to swipe left without looking at the profile at all, but I usually do look at it because sometimes someone has a profile so good that I can see a potential friendship coming from it if they’re willing to go that route. If I am attracted to her, I look at the profile and see if there’s compatibility. I sometimes swipe left on those who didn’t fill it out, as that is a turn off to me. I swipe right only on women who have what I’m looking for. I’m not overly picky, but I do have standards despite hardly getting matches or dates.

    Most men, though, are far less selective.

  3. As has been explained many times, dating for men is a numbers game. Some are more selective, especially in the beginning, but eventually you end up either giving up or matching with everyone in hopes that someone will respond.

    When I was doing OLD, I always read profiles, to look for possible compatibility/incompatibility, red flags, etc. Buuuuut honestly it doesn’t matter, you still just end up burning through your first picks and then either giving up or giving in.

  4. Well I’m looking to see if there might be attraction physically first. I’m a 6’2” 165 pound long distance athlete and if she’s like coming in at 240 or something I’m not gonna be super into it. It’s also somewhat of a sign of self care which I value. If I’m on the fence I look at bios. If I find her attractive I look at bios. Anything about being into drinking, parties, festivals, etc. and I’m usually not super interested. I look for more career oriented stuff or stuff that I enjoy… swim, bike, run, reading, cooking, sleeping, movies, high paying career wouldn’t be bad we can both be boss parents lol, anything that gives me the idea that like oh this person is actually thinking about their lives instead of fishing for sex. Another thing is anything about waiting on sex. I’ve told myself I’d wait til marriage regardless so I don’t try to get into situations where they want to go further and I’m not really looking to progress until after a ring is in the picture. My ratio is pretty far under 1/10 I’d say it’s closer to like 1:30 ish. Which is probably why I’m single. I get the whole be open to others but I don’t really care I’m extremely selective. I’ll swipe left on extremely beautiful women because they don’t fit the criteria I’m looking for and I’ll swipe right on women I’m not as attracted to if they check more of the whole criteria boxes. You get one partner in life and there’s millions upon billions of people you aren’t compatible with. So you need to be selective and proactive in the person you want. But that’s just how I look at it.

  5. I’m a fairly attractive woman. I see the first pic and for 90% of profiles swipe left. If I’m intrigued even the slightest, I’ll read the whole profile. From there maybe half or less will get a like, so less than 5% of profiles I’m shown. Same process applies to likes I receive, I accept maybe 10%.

    Worth noting the #1 thing to tip the scales on a profile is the voice prompt. If I’m undecided but you have a great voice and are funny I will probably send a like or match. Otherwise it seals the deal on a No.

    Also maybe worth noting, I toggle my profile to “off” as the default. Maybe once every few days I’ll flip it “on” and swipe for a while. I get kind of skeeved thinking any dude with a profile will come across me. I like the idea of being somewhat discrete and having control over who sees me (aka only likes I’ve sent). Obviously this reduces overall likes I receive but I do okay. If it’s really dry I’ll leave it on for 30 min and see what bites OR just stop using for a week or two and let the deck build up again.

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