So I was taking a college course there were two guys that sat a table in front of me, we’ll call them Decent Guy (DG) and Wannabe Gangster (WG – because of his demeanor and overhearing him make a dumb joke about “bodies in the trunk”) So DG and WG seemed to be friends would occasionally friendly banter with one another. DG tried to talk up a few different girls only one of which reciprocated (during break ) and WG would often only be talking some girl that sat upfront next to him during class. I’m just painting a picture.

So me I’m sometimes kinda quiet unless others initiate or if find something interesting, if I feel the need to say something. The issue basically was WG started to do little things that were beginning to annoy me a little and I felt he was trying to get some sort of rise out of me.

Things that happened, in the middle of class while lecture is taking place out of nowhere WG turns around (because they sat in front to my right side) and stares at me for like a good 4 seconds. I felt compelled to look and say whats up? or what? or what are you looking at? but chose to ignore them and not even look in their direction though I could see them from peripheral vision. Next time it was during break I was having a conversation with the person that sat next to me when the professor says alright break times up lets continue. So I start to wrap up the conversation its maybe been 10 seconds from professor saying this when suddenly WG does a loud SSSHHHHHH to me basically, again I ignore them and out of spite continue a few extra seconds finishing what I was saying. This coming from the person who’d sometimes be talking in the middle of a lecture with person who sat up front. I was about to say why dont you shush yourself, but I thought I’m not even gonna acknowledge their bs. One other occurrence was WG walking past me really close in a fast paced manner while we were getting up to grab our tests from a table.

Another day on break I go to the restroom DG walked in too I made a comment about something and we briefly chat about something in class, we walk out together and were kinda laughing talking as were walking back towards class then WG is walking up towards DG so I continue walking back. After that WG wouldnt look at me and I didnt see anymore of this attitude for the rest of semester from them.

I never spoke a word to WG the entire time. But what gives? Was I misreading things? Or was some nonsense there? I really hate taking shit from people especially when I’ve given them no reason to not like me. Was it because of how I look? Been told I’m handsome, I’d say depends on the day. Anyway I was there to do the class and get out, not deal with this. What do you think?

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