
I’d like to get a nice hot bath with my girlfriend and maybe we will the water up ourselves.

Therefore I was wondering if it is okay to have sex in the bathtub.
One of my concerns would be the pH level of the bathing water and the vagina.

  1. Take my advice from experience, you’d think the water would work like a good lubricant, but I promise it’s just the opposite. The water causes friction for both of you and it’s not a very enjoyable experience. Additionally, if you put any kind of soap, bath bomb or scented anything in the water, it can cause issues for your girlfriend by thrusting those soaps or chemicals up into her vagina. All in all, I would not recommend having sex in a bath…

  2. From my experience sex in the bathtub is not as good as you’d think it is. The water is an opposite to a lubricant and the bathtub is probably too small to find good positions.

    But my now-ex and I were cuddling for almost an hour in the bathtub with me behind her and just laying around and me running my fingers around her slightly the whole time…

    When we got out of the bathtub into the bedroom it got pretty damn hot. Maybe you should use it that way.

  3. It is OK but don’t expect to be as special as it looks in movies. Shower and hot tub is good place for foreplay though.

  4. You need lube specifically made for water. Even then, it’s not that great. Use the tub for foreplay and then fuck in the bedroom. Or in front of the bathroom mirror.

  5. Water is not as sexy as you might think. It will intensify friction. It’s not a good lubricant. And you can’t really use lube submerged in water. Water based lubes basically dissolve in water. Oil based lubes either float or emulsify.

    But to answer your concern, unless you are bathing in bleach then the pH shouldn’t be an issue. But soaps (bubbles) could cause irritation or even a rash.

  6. Silicone based lubes. But you could also try focusing on non-penetrative sex, just enjoy each other’s bodies in other ways.

  7. It’s ok to do but it’s pretty hard to fill the tub with enough water to be pleasant but not so much water that every movement sends it sloshing over the tub side.

  8. Before you have sex in a bathtub lube up with silicone lube. Trust me on this. Water reduces friction, but the silicone lube stays on in water and it feels much better then.

  9. Silicone lube is really the only way to go for sex in a water environment. Going to be very slippery getting out of the tub or shower, however, so weigh the plusses against the minuses (Silicon lube also is the gift that keeps on giving on your junk for several washings – it’s insidiously effective). Also, ejaculation underwater ends up with semen in the strangest of places – just a warning. I stick to making out in the bath, shower, or hot tub and leave the sex to drier environments.

  10. It’s not unsafe at all but personally I’ve found hand stuff to be the best underwater, with PIV being troublesome

  11. Water sex is terrible, bathtubs are cramped and hard, water is NOT a lubricant. 0/10 would never recommend.

  12. Sex mixed with water is horrible.

    Give it a try. We all have. But, 0.5/10 would I recommend it.

    To answer your question specifically, the water, any soaps, lotions, etc are not the best for the vagina and water will indeed get up in there.

    Leave the shower and tub for light foreplay.

  13. Soap IN vaginas is terrible. Soapy water in a tub plus PIV is a recipe for an angry pussy!

    You must have a big bathtub if you can fit both of you in it AND have room to splash around.

    Shower sex is also dangerous because slipping. But I LOVE giving head in the shower. All the mess goes down the drain. It’s cozy. I can sit on the side of the tub and he can stand and it’s the perfect height.

    I recommend shower foreplay instead of bathtub sex.

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