Like the title says…I lost it at 18 but didn’t get off. He did. He made an effort to get me there but he was too rough and I tried every time to tell him he was being too rough but he ignored me. We’d try several times a week or whenever we were together. Either by foreplay or penetration but it never worked. One time he went down on me but I really hated it. I would get pissed off because I would put effort into knowing his sweet spots and he wouldn’t. He just kept being rough and not actually listening.
Am I in the wrong for feeling guilty about being unsatisfied?

Edit: I forgot to mention he is an ex bf.

  1. Don’t feel guilty because some guy didn’t have enough sense to listen to you about how your body works!

  2. Well first of all you should never feel bad about not being satisfied especially of the other guy was trying to just get off without being interested if you do as well like you describe. The best thing to have done would be to talk openly about it sometime later and discuss, if he still ignored you then you should have flipped him off lol. Communication is key and is always better when both sides actually try to make each other get off rather than using each for their own pleasure.

  3. Sex is meant to be enjoyed by both/all members involved. You are not selfish for saying that you are unsatisfied. You are not an object for him to do what he feels is suitable for him the entire time and neglect/ignore your needs during sex.

    if he refuses to listen when you communicate, do not have sex with him. Sex is 10000% better through communication so I don’t understand why he’s pretty stubborn about it.

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