I’m trying to compliment my husband more and make him feel as important to me after 10 years as he always was. Just after so long it’s hard to start a new trend and I hate that it ever stopped. We’re not as expressive toward each other and I know he has stress and needs to feel seen. What would make you feel really good or just like your wife/gf was “noticing you”? I am a lady.

  1. My wife is good at this she compliments me on being a good dad and my work ethic. Star there.

  2. Honeslty, guys will eat any compliment up. Just be genuine about it. Write down 10 things you love about your husband and maybe it will make it easier on you when you put it into words later on. And for bonus tip: we want to get compliments on who we are as a person, that means more than compliments on what we offer.

  3. I like to joke around and say to my wife to rate me 5 stars on Google reviews after sex lol. Yeah I dunno, depends how emotionally needy he is. I’m an avoidant detached person and don’t have many emotional needs. I’m an inwardly confident person, so compliments just don’t work on me. I’ve even had problems being told “thank you” growing up. (So don’t thank me if this helps)

  4. At this point I’ll take whatever I can get. I couldn’t remember a password on something the other day, and she got real short with me, straight up saying “You know what? I don’t have the energy to deal with this and your stupidity.”

    I think I do a lot in our relationship, but I would never call her out on something like that.

  5. We have teenagers and they can definitely be trying. So any compliments on be being a good dad is nice. If you have kids and can help them to say something meaningful, that goes a long way too. In general though there is probably something in his life he’s struggling with (work, parents, money, etc) and reassurance that he’s doing a good job in that area is always appreciated.

  6. Just say he is an amazing man and father and still hot as fuck.

    He will peacock around for a week.

  7. I’m going to continue the being a good dad and husband trend. So often we feel like we’re not doing a good enough job or not enough. Something small like that goes a long way. Hopefully he does the same about you being a wife and mother.

  8. Anything genuine. Like someone else said, maybe make a list of things you appreciate about him. Then when the time arises, use one of them to compliment him.

  9. If you’re gonna compliment and you want it to be well-received, make it specific.

    My wife always tells me “you’re so sweet to me” and I’m like yeah yeah, but if she were to say something like “you always know how to make me smile when I’ve had a hard day” or “I love how you remember lines from my favorite shows” or something, I would actually take notice. Saying “you’re so sweet to me” feels so generic. Like she doesn’t really mean it.

    I know I’m sweet to her. I take great effort in doing so. But to hear what specifically I do that makes her happy, that would feel more genuine.

  10. Do you know his love language? Understanding that and doing something special and uncommon is a good way to show him how much he means to you.

  11. Most folks in here are on the right track and you’ve gotten the two key threads of advice. If you want to compliment him make sure you do it specifically. Anything vague will get thrown to the side as smoke blowing. We tend to get a lot of people giving complimentary phrases to us but they just want something and it’s not an actual compliment.

  12. Does he like compliments, is that his love language? Or would he rather you not say anything at all because your mouth is full of him?

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