I (26F) is dating a (26M) for nearly 4 years. His parents dislike me and insult my race constantly (we are in an interracial relationship and his family is white). They usually say horrible things behind my back to him and pretend to be nice to me in person. One of the comments they made was that he was settling and going for someone that is lesser. I am an attractive woman with a great job and in grad school so I don’t think I’m lesser. He is a bit overweight that does not put that much effort into hygiene, and is working part time while still finishing his undergrad studies but complains about his workload most of the time. He has usually treated me kindly but the last month has not communicated much and just played games. He would get upset if I told him to help around the house and would sulk loudly. He has told me that he is not happy with me but wants to try. It feels like everything I do is wrong. He is depressed and I don’t know how to help him.

I sometimes doubt if I should be with him but I’m too scared to be alone. How should I approach this?

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