Me and my brother live together with my Dad, but as of this month, my brothers girlfriend, we’ll call her @ to avoid confusion, has moved in. While the house isn’t small and the walls are brick, we all have rooms very close to each other. Basically, when I hear them doing it, I don’t hear him \[thank fucking god\], but I hear her, and it practically ruins my mood and puts me in this feeling of disgust and frustration. If I don’t have my headphones on, or if I take them off to go make lunch or get a drink, I risk ruining my mood by walking past their door.

They’ve been dating for about 5 or so years and this issue has persisted the most part of \~4 years. At the start it was really bad, @ would come over after school and he would put music on and @ would act like there was no one in the house, she was that loud. I would call his phone as a way to get him to keep it down, she would stop, and I’d get a “sorry” reply, like that meant anything when he would just do it again the next time @ was over.

It got to the point where my sister (21F, who at the time was down for the holidays) and I would have to literally bang on his door to get him to stop her from being so loud, he just had no consideration, and neither did @, which didn’t reflect @’s personality normally, as someone who is kind and considerate otherwise.

After a year of so of having to put up with that, they finally got the message, and since then it’s been fine? Sure I hear them every now and then but our doors are right next to each other so what can you expect, I just put on my headphones and deal with it. But having her here every day since shes moved in I get so uncomfortable whenever I hear it, and I shouldn’t have to block my ears every time I want to get a drink of water.

It’s just so uncomfortable hearing her, I shouldn’t have to deal with it especially with other people in the house. Both of their lack of consideration is almost the worst part because it’s just so frustrating and disgusting.

Any advice on how to approach this situation without making it too weird would be greatly appreciated, my first post on this sub so I hope it wasn’t too ranty, thanks

  1. I’m not sure how far over the line of polite behavior this is, but I’d be sorely tempted to buy a ball gag, put it in a plain brown paper bag and leave it at their door.

  2. Place a little speaker at the bottom of the door to their room and play the first video that comes up on PH full volume to phase out the noise.

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