I’m a CNA and I feel like I’m treated badly by my coworkers. I’m contemplating getting a new job but I have GAD . I’m scared to work because I’m afraid I’ll mess up.

1 comment
  1. As a general thought, Every job has a different “culture” within their workforce. The places where I’ve worked, my co-workers are lovely and have never really caused me or others any trouble. Perhaps i may just be very lucky, but its different in every single job.

    Sometimes everyone is great, sometimes theres a few bad apples, and sometimes everyone is just rotten.

    I don’t have the knowledge to give you any advice, unfortunately. I hope someone on here can be more useful for you. Whatever you end up doing, whether its changing jobs or toughing it out at your current one until you get more comfortable at your work, i wish you the best of luck!

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