Fellas, I’m 24 and single. What are some things I should do/places I should visit before I look to settle down?

  1. Get to know yourself guy! Go do a pilgrimage somewhere or some sort of voyage. I did one and haven’t ever regretted it.

  2. Read a lot of interesting international history and see what inspres you. For me it was Greece. But I suggest just seeing what sparks intellectual curiosity.

  3. Get fit. You don’t have to be shredded bodybuilder. Just be in shape and physically capable.

    Get your finances straight. Start with the [/r/personalfinance wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/personalfinance/wiki/index).

    Physical and financial health goes a very long way to happiness. It’s a lot easier to fix other problems when you have these things in order.

  4. Alaska.

    The Pacific Northwest in general. The Pacific rainforest is my favorite place in North America.

  5. Anything that requires significant time/money commitment. You’ll have less of both when you’re no longer single

  6. You should look to “settle down” with someone who likes to do things and visit places with you. Adventure doesn’t end with coupling my dude.

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