Life is not easy sometimes, and often we have to fight for things. What was the point for you when you realized you had won that fight? What was your proudest moment about that fight?

  1. I found a way not to express my emotions through destructive means, and I no longer react to stressful moments in ways that continually exacerbate the issues.

  2. Passing Ranger School back when I was in the Army.

    Oh man, all I do now is drink, feel sorry for myself, and fantasize about the past. I’m starting to understand that “member-berries” episode of South Park now.

  3. Broke up with my covert narcissist fiancée the proceed to build a house, get a second car, won many many tournaments and cut off a lot of toxic people.

  4. Finally putting an end to my ex’s suicide threats by getting her family involved and telling her I’d call the police if she didn’t stop.

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