So as of Thanksgiving day she changed her FB status to “In a Relationship” not a big deal other than the fact she used the hell out of me until this mystery man came into the picture. I let it go for a couple of days, kinda figured she would tell me who it was. But she never did so I text her and asked. She then became really disrespectful and told me it was none of my business, that he was really good with the kids, and that I didn’t need to know who he was. Me being tired of the disrespect kinda went off. It is my business, those are my kids and I just want to make sure they are safe. But she ended up blocking me and my family so we can no longer see her. Now mind you there was nothing leading up to this, I pay child support, plus gave her extra money if she needed, asked for it. Bought things for her other kids even tho they aren’t mine and the dad’s aren’t around. This is some BS. But she is diagnosed with multiple different personality disorders. I’m not even sure if the guy exists or if this is just some game she’s wanting to play. Has anyone been through this before? It’s really taking a toll on me.

  1. Do you have a formal custody and access plan through the courts? If so I’d speak to them as she can’t just deny you access. If not, time to sort one out.

  2. It isn’t your business. She can date whoever she wants and live her life. You’re exes.

    As far as the kids. See them, buy them gifts, etc.. keep buying gifts for the other ones too if ya wanna take the high road since you were a father figure to them.

    It sucks that you’re not with your kids full time, but these things happen.

  3. Well, that is how exes work. You don’t get a say in who is around the kids and just need to trust she’s making good decisions. Hopefully you’ll meet him one day.

    If you don’t have a custody plan in place, call a lawyer ASAP to establish one.

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