I know there is no one true answer, but I’d like to know what people think

  1. 70 is too old, you have little chance of seeing your child even graduate school before you pass, leaving them without adequate support. In theory anyway, some single moms still get that shit done, of course.

  2. Realistically, 40-45 is top end if you want to be there for the kid’s life into their 20s. If you live into your 70-80s, great. But most of us live to the 60s reliably. I would want my kid to be part of my life during their teens at least.

  3. Probably want to be young enough to chase them around when they’re little and support them through young adulthood.

    Don’t want to be wrangling a toddler in your 50s or dead when they’re trying to get a career started.

  4. Never too old. If you can shoot lethal soldiers …keep on till you can’t no time limit on creation only death

  5. Any age you are able to provide for the child long term or whatever limit you decide for yourself. Men don’t have a hard limit, we can have a child at any age. It just becomes more difficult in our older years.

  6. I was 36 when I had my first, 38 when I had my second (and last). I’m glad I waited a little bit, but at 41, I’m having trouble keeping up with a 6 and 4 year old. I would imagine that it gets harder as you get older.

  7. I was 41 when my first was born, and 45 when my third was. I sure wouldn’t put it off much later if you plan on being an active co-parent.

    But if you want to have kids, better old than never.

  8. Really depends on your situation in life, if you have a good job or lots of money late 40’s or early 50’s is not out of the question. Most cases though I would say anything past 45.

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