For context, we were in an LDR for almost 2 years. He broke up with me almost a month ago. His depression is getting worse, and he said he hates that he cant give me the love I deserve (I opened up to him twice about I would like it if he texted me more often when he cant call, since he is a call kind of guy). He was angry at himself that I had to open up about it twice, he said once should’ve been enough. I was surprised, it was too sudden. I was hurt, still am. I cry and think about it everyday. I blamed myself for opening up, but he told me I didnt do anything wrong.

But the thing is, we still talk everyday, but no more of the sexual stuff. He is my best friend and we can talk about anything, it’s just that we’re no longer together, just friends. He said I dont have to wait for him, he said he isnt looking for somebody and it’s the last thing in his mind. I know LDR isnt for everybody – he said he doesnt want to be so dependent on me and he should get help. I want to there for him physically, he has offered countless of times to fly me out, but I just can’t because of medschool and family. But I so badly want to do that, to see him, to hold him, let him know I wont give up on him.

The thing is, I want to wait for him, even if he tells me not to. I love him so much, it pains me how he can just end things between us. I need help, because this is hurting so much.

I cant imagine myself being with someone else, I dont know if I should move on or wait. I want to wait, but also, I want to know if this is a stupid decision.

TLDR; bf broke up with me due to depression, we still talk everyday, and i need advice on what to do.

1 comment
  1. Seems like he didn’t want to break up but take a step back. He obviously still loves you and feels guilty and feels that he isn’t enough. Talk to him and say you will give him space if that’s what he wants but tell him that you love him and want to be with him. Depression makes you illogical and not know what you want. Be patient with him and let him know you want to be with him he might feel like its a mistake but also that it’s too late to back out so talk to him.

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