Is this considered abuse? Adoptive mother got upset cuz didn’t believe I mop floor. She took mop & bucket smashed it against bathtub & sink. entire situation she swore & called me names.I was grounded for lying & being disobedient

  1. >Adoptive mother got upset cuz didn’t believe I mop floor.

    You were supposed to mop the floor and you did, but she did not believe you? I mean, asking her why she thinks you didn’t do it would be a good question.

    Hard to say if it’s abuse, but it’s definitely inappropriate. That’s no way for an adult to behave.

  2. No one should treat anyone like that. No one is perfect either. Sometimes people are raised in houses where that type of behavior is “normal”. The thing is- they won’t change it unless it is pointed out to them by someone like your dad that they are behaving in an unusually aggressive way and it’s not ok. Then when they say, “My mom raised me like this and I turned out fine!” you think, “No, because your behavior is not fine.”. You can ask them to not repeat the pattern with you. But my suggestion to you is to tell your dad. If that doesn’t help, tell him that you want to see a therapist to help you with your relationship with your step-mother and maybe- be very patient- she will see that you are trying and will want to start trying herself. But nothing will change unless it is brought to your dad’s attention.

  3. And even now I still have a hard time accepting it all. Apart of me wants to believe that I’m wrong. And then maybe it was partially on my end too. And then maybe they really weren’t that bad to me. But I know deep within my soul that that is just a lie and that is not reality. But it hurts so bad and i feel very rejected that the thought of them truly being abusive wounds me so deeply that in the front of my mind I like to leave the doubtful fantasy so that I can ease the pain it has caused my soul.

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