I’ve been in a situationship right after breaking up with my ex. I travelled to a different country for two weeks and met him there twice. We made out but it was nothing serious until he tolde that he liked me. He’d sing me to sleep every night for a month and write songs for me. He drifted away out of the blue and I didn’t ask for an explanation because I was way too scared. I idolized him way too much that I constantly dream about him. Even though he technically drifted away and ghosted me, he’d still reply to my instagram stories but it seemed like he didn’t want to actually talk to me and that he wanted to keep it superficial. He also posted on reddit after he stopped talking to me that he was looking for places for a one night stand. It’s not like I wanted to be in a relationship with him, I’m just left confused about the reason why he’d do that. I think he muted me on instagram bc he no longer views my instagram stories even though he’s so active there. How do I get over this? We haven’t texted for a month and again, when I noticed that they were drifting away I panicked and started avoiding him. The situationship lasted for a month and we haven’t talked for over a month. He told me that he was narcissist and I was wondering if he only did that so that he’d get me to like him. I feel like he lost interest as soon as I started showing signs that I like him because I mentioned at first that I only wanted to be friends with him. He didn’t even want us to be “friends with benefits” and he’d tell me that we were “online flirts”. Before he started drifting away he ignored me for a day and rold me afterwards that he doesn’t like texting his “friends” on daily basis because he finds that routine boring which was weird because he was the one who’d literally text me and ask me to vc. I was so passive and I’d wait for him to make the move because I was scared it’d be too much. I let him control the whole thing yet he did that anyways.

Tldr; my situationship kinda ghosted me and would only reply to my stories when I post photos of my self. It seemed like they were only sexually into me and I feel like shit for being used. They muted me on instagram recently

  1. Situationships are designed to be traumatic.

    It lowkey doesn’t matter why he ghosted. He was under no obligation to maintain contact with you because yall aren’t in any sort of a relationship.


    I know it sucks but that’s the nature of situationships. They allow people to be intimate with no obligation to be considerate of or take responsibility for the other person’s feelings.

  2. >I’ve been in a situationship right after breaking up with my ex.

    We found your issue. Situationships are supposed to be temporary. And you didn’t take time to heal from your last relationship. I’d avoid situationships for a good season if I were you. Possibly see a therapist to help you understand your feelings.

    That man has no obligation to you. You unfortunately have to get over it. I’m not trying to sound patronizing, but you’re only 20. Trust and believe you have a WHOLE LOTTA life left to live. More people to meet and fall in love with. Keep your head up and don’t invest in the butterflies.

  3. > He told me that he was narcissist and I was wondering if he only did that so that he’d get me to like him

    Bestie if narcissist is a positive in your book you need to re-evaluate. You cannot have s healthy relationship with a narcissist (unless they’re in therapy and self aware and really motivated to not ruin your life). If someone tells you this: run away. I don’t care if it’s true or not, it’s just not worth it.

  4. Next time someone tells you they are a narcissist, believe them. You’ll get over it in time.

  5. Don’t fall in love with fantasies you crate about a person. This person told you they were a narcissist and you didn’t believe them because you were infatuated by a fantasy. When people tell you who they are- trust them.

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