We’ve talked a couple times and she seems friendly, but not interested. I wanna find out but I’m like 95% sure that she would say no. I don’t wanna make things weird since we still have to work together in class.

  1. Move on with my life until I find someone that I know actually likes me back. No need to make things weird at work.

  2. I found that it’s easier to move on after you get a solid rejection. Or else you always think what if.

  3. I’m all for shooting your shot but the fact that you’re having so much doubt tells me its best you play this one safe and move on.

  4. Take the L, my boy. Absorb whatever lessons you can from the experience and shoot the next shot.

  5. Leave good enough alone,

    But, I sense you want us to encourage you to try that,

    Okay go ahead and try it, then hate yourself even more when you have to see the chick who rejected on a daily/weekly basis.

  6. Ask her out, then you’ll know. Or don’t, then always wonder. Up to you, but most of the regrets you’ll have are things you wish you’d done, not things you did.

  7. Always, always find out. What is the benefit of not knowing other than avoiding the hurt of rejection? These dudes in here are scared.

  8. Just ask them. Better to know how they actually feel vs walking away and not knowing

  9. I hope this doesn’t come off as harsh but it’s something I wish I had known for myself earlier in life.

    If you know she does not like you, have the self-respect to move on.

    You would probably tell a brother the same thing to move on. Do it for yourself. Don’t lower yourself just so that a girl likes you. It often won’t work. If you know, have the self-respect to walk away. And trust there’s someone else out there for you

  10. Well my friend, you can not change her and you definitely should not change yourself for others (if you are looking to improve yourself, that’s another thing). So forget about her, she is not meant to be by your side, go look for another girl, they are even more than us men.

  11. Two options:

    1. Find another girl who does like you back for who you are.
    2. Figure out what you need to make yourself good enough for the girl you like to like you back, then do it.

    Bonus third option: figure out what you need to do to make yourself good enough to a lot of women find you attractive, then get it, then date other, better quality women once you’ve made yourself good enough.

  12. You’ve done all you should do at this point. Wait until you’re not in the same class and take your shot then if you want to be sure. Maybe by then you’ve spent more time together and you’ll both be in a better position to know if things might work out.

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