I never had a highschool or college gf and I so desperately wanted one…

I keep thinking about all of the stuff that I missed out on, like prom dances and kissing under the bleachers, etc…

I’m in my mid 20s now and I feel like I wasted my whole life focusing on useless crap like school and studying… I have good $ in savings but literally nobody to spend it with and I’ve only ever had friends…

(Yeah, I prob need therapy, thanks in advance)

Idk, did I miss out on this stuff if I get a gf this late in life, or is that time just gone forever?

  1. Neither did I. I’m happy I spent the time on self improvement. I did look her up once, only missed out on extra tan lines and pregnancies. Very happy I waited. Matter of fact I wouldn’t even show her to my wife out of embarrassment 🤣. Keep working on you dude. You’re doing great.

  2. I concentrated on school for the first 22 years of my life. Didn’t have a gf till I was 23, after a friend in grad school started dragging me out on the weekends. Had sex for the first time with her as well. We dated for 6 months. A few months later i craved the attention from a woman and started dating in earnest. After a year I met my now wife. I used internet dating when it was in its infancy in 1999, and it worked. Actual two other dudes I was in grad school with also met their wives that way. All still married

  3. Miss out??? What are you talking about? You’re still very young. Are you just feeling sorry for yourself? I didn’t get married until I was 40, though I did date a lot in the interim. So you’re a little late to the party. Get out and enjoy life. Join a club, volunteer, or take a class in something that isn’t school related. Plenty of women would love to meet a quiet guy who’s financially successful.

  4. I loved it. I went to 2 proms with my HS sweetheart. My first date, my first everything but kissing in fact. We snuck around school and made out.

    We are in our mid-30s now and coming up on 20 years together.

  5. Work on yourself. Soon you will be the prize. It was fun having a high school sweetheart and a college sweetheart, but not as fun as you might think. Women are pretty clingy, I had both a high school sweetheart and a college sweetheart, but both were a big waste of time and I would have had more chance to meet other girls had I not chose to be monogamous with them.

  6. From my experience, what you missed is a bunch of drama and a massive heartbreak, so you’re better off this way.

  7. Learning and saving is far from useless.

    I can live without a SO. But I cannot live without a career and income. (unless a trust fund woman wants to marry me and pay my bills for the rest of my life, but that is unlikely).

    Missing out on prom? No clue. I didn’t go either.

  8. When you’re in high school you have little sense of scale. However your life is at that given moment or day, you think “this is my whole life!”

    So when you have the sweetheart and its all swoony and notes in lockers and going through the rulebook “under the shirt/over the pants” (I was stuck on that gear so long) it’s so awesome! You are dancing on clouds!

    When the inevitable happens- maybe she eyes a foreign exchange student, maybe you kiss some girl you don’t even like and she finds out, whatever, when that joy is taken from you YOU ARE MURDERED. YOU ARE DEAD.

    More than anything else about 30+ years ago I remember those 2 emotions

    And those emotions aren’t gone or lost. They’re waiting for you in much more wonderful and horrible adult forms

  9. You’re so young. You didn’t miss out on much. A lot of that high school sweetheart stuff is just Hollywood Americana make believe. When you get with someone it won’t be like prom, but instead it will be really special based on that part of your life.

  10. As a man who did the whole schooling thing AND married my high school sweetheart…

    School sucks. Live more.

  11. You missed a love you’ll never have again. It’s crazy how the first time sets up the rest! Rest in Peace Cameron you will be missed

  12. Every couple I’ve met who have been high school sweet hearts always seem resentful that they never dated anyone else. I think having a single adult phase is important and really puts the importance of compatible relationships into perspective.

  13. I had my first love in school, I still think about her to this day funny enough, have had long term relationships since.

    I think think you missed anything because as amazing as the story is of marrying your high school sweetheart, people find a lot of the time they haven’t grown the same way as their friends may have. Which is a crazy other side of the coin.

    I don’t believe you’ve missed anything, there is so much more to life than finding a girlfriend in those times.
    You’ll still get the same butterflies at 35 that you do at 18 with a new relationship. No one can deny that, people turn into their juvenile selves and become overjoyed with the fact they’re having fun with someone they fancy.

  14. I went to a single sex high-school so meeting girls was kinda tricky. I sort of had a high-school sweetheart but when my parents divorced at 17 I was put off by dating until I turned 20. I’m 24 now and even though having a college girlfriend would be awesome I’m too focused on my Programming degree which brings me so much joy. Just today I made a media player and last week I made a webscraper. Find a career you love first. Then worry about the girl. Take it from a dude with only 2 1/2 dates under his belt :p.

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