I live in Europe (Denmark). My wife and I are looking at taking a 2-3 week road trip Boston-Niagara-NYC either in June or in September of this year. Which month would be best, in your opinion?

A few additional questions:
What is the COVID situation in New York City like at present? Is it possible to enjoy the city and its museums and theaters?
How easy is it for Europeans to cross back and forth over the the border to Canada at Niagara Falls?

  1. September won’t be as busy as June. The weather is usually nicer at that time, too.

  2. I’d go in September. It’s less busy, good weather and you might see the trees start to change color. Many schools are out by the first week of June, but restart in early September. So if you go in September you’ll have less competition for tourist stuff

  3. Go in the autumn. Tour along the Hudson river for a stunning view of leaves turning.

    If I’m off by a bit, well the idea is the same and I’m sure at lest some leaves should be turning by then. (Changing colors.)

  4. Bostonian here! October is the best time seasonally and it’s gorgeous in September still warm. If you come in September keep in mind we are a college city so it would be busy but things are winding down. Weather is nice. Can’t speak for NYC. But here in Boston/Massachusetts we are Top 5 in the lowest rates of COVID cases. We have been one of if not the most progressive in taking care of it and keeping masked and safe. We are well known for our hospitals and colleges. DM ME. If you need ideas on things to do.

  5. Just want to point out that the Canadian border is almost 600 kilometers from. New York City. So seeing museums or theater and then hopping across the Canadian border would be pretty difficult. About a 12 hour train ride at best.

  6. Both perfectly fine times to visit.

    > What is the COVID situation in New York City like at present? Is it possible to enjoy the city and its museums and theaters?

    Yes, everything is open.

  7. > A few additional questions:What is the COVID situation in New York City like at present? Is it possible to enjoy the city and its museums and theaters?

    I think they just lifted the pass required to go indoors thing. But you really should keep looking it up until you go there. Also, individual businesses could choose to implement their own rules. I’d look up each place you plan to go and look for their individual policy.

    No idea about Niagara Falls. I’d contact them directly though. (Tourist bureau or city council or something.) And as with NYC it could change again by the time you went. So I’d periodically keep checking on those things, at the source.

  8. For hopping across the border, you’ll need to make sure that your car rental allows it. Many don’t

  9. Sept is usually so great. Our schools start back up usually the last week of August so availability becomes so much better.

    If you do Sept it’s still really nice at New England beaches.

    [I’d skip Niagara – It’s a bit of a drive and there is so much beautiful nature to see around Boston and NYC. Nantucket, Newburyport, Newport, Hudson River Valley, Berkshires, New England beaches]

  10. If you’re from Denmark then September seems superior as there are less tourists and the weather is chilly rather than hot.

  11. I’d want to go in June. I think you’d be more comfortable with the weather and such if you went in September, though. You’ll still want to pack a variety of types of clothing because September is one of those months where it can be sunny and warm on Tuesday with a freak cold snap and rain on Wednesday.

    I’ve been told Niagra is best from the Canadian side.

  12. On the NYC thing: you just need proof of vaccination and a mask to get into most things.

  13. Personally I’d visit in the fall; the weather in the fall here is *gorgeous* and that goes for the whole state. It doesn’t matter if you’re in/around NYC or you’re upstate, it will be warm without the humidity and mostly sunny. I love September and October in New York! But it all falls apart November 1st.

    One thing that you should know is that Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur are observed in this state and lots of kids will have off from school those days. So if you’re concerned about crowding at tourist places, it’s something to consider.

  14. Why are you building the trip this way? You’d be best off flying into Buffalo (or maybe Toronto) and out of Boston (or reverse).

  15. Boston to Niagara Falls to New York is about 1500 km. Ending back at Boston is about 1800 km. It will probably be cheaper and less crowded in September.

  16. Definitely check the rules for getting into Canada. They were very strict during the height of COVID. I don’t know how much they might have relaxed. If you can’t get to the Canadian side, it’s almost not worth going all that distance. The best views are on the Canadian side.

    Google Maps says it is a six hour and thirty minute drive from New York City to Niagara Falls.

  17. September is better

    Kids are starting school and the summer is ending so it will be way less busy.

    Also NYC is fucking hot and humid in the summer.

    Both months are not the best time to visit NYC though. I recommend going in the Autumn its stunning, or going in the Winter.

  18. I am from Boston. September is by far our best month and it’s not even close. It’s still nice out but not terribly hot. It’s just comfortable. Also Boston is a college town and the students are gone in June and here in September. That may not be a big deal to you but it does make the city seem more alive.

    Also, even if you k ow nothing about baseball, go to Fenway for a Red Sox game

  19. Honestly, if you’re going to come in the fall, October is the best month to come to the Northeast. October is when the weather is still mild, and the trees are at their most colorful.

  20. September for sure. I went back home to Mass late September through the first week of October last year and I got warm weather and cool weather. Foliage was a bit delayed so I didn’t get to see that many vibrant colors but I did get the beaches a couple times.

    I always recommend checking out the Big E in West Springfield Mass. it’s our 17 day New England fair.

  21. June is better weather but don’t knock experiencing a sports game while here

  22. I grew up there. Definitely June. Summer is the best season there. Gets cooler in September, days aren’t as long.

  23. I’m a gardener so I would prefer June for visiting gardens or seeing flowers. Late September gets you pretty much no flowers, but the leaves start changing which are beautiful too although October is when they really look great. Either is good weather. June will probably be busier in tourist destinations because schools get out mid to late June – or earlier in other parts of the country – and go back by the first week of September. Later in September the nights will be cooler. Either month could have a 50 degree day or a 90 degree day. We went to Niagara Falls in October for a quick trip on Maid of The Mist while we were visiting Buffalo but stayed in NY. I haven’t been to Canada since before Covid and I have no idea how they handle citizens of countries other than US or Canada.

  24. I went to NYC in June of last year. Temperature was fine, and everything was open.

    However, as others are describing, it is probably best to visit in Sept as that’s the tail end of summer and thus it’s not as busy as June would be as long as you avoid Labor Day. Also, if you visit NYC in Sept you may also see the “Tribute in Light” or the two sets of lights that represent the twin towers lost on 9/11. That would definitely be something to see.

  25. I see you’re pretty set on Niagara but man you’re gonna be disappointed. Fun fact that part of the reason America established its national park system is people were so horrified how commercialized Niagra had become. The falls are cool, but stay in the town a day at most, there are sweet waterfalls in Ithaca (Watkins Glen), and it’s a short drive to Toronto as well.

  26. September . . . October would be ideal for New England and New York, but September still good.

    The border crossing for Europeans is typically not difficult, though you have the occasional exception.

  27. Late September into Early October is peak autumn foliage. That would be my recommendation because it’s so beautiful that time of year, but it can start to get chilly at night. June is also beautiful but it looks like any other place. The fall colors are really special in New England.

  28. Covid situation in NYC is great right now, and should be really good in June. That would be your best bet in terms of covid, I would think.

  29. I’m a native New Yorker. Speaking from experience Septemer. It’s not as hot and not as many tourists.

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