i act creepy accidentally today I looked at this girl on accident and looked away quickly so it looked like i was staring at her even worst she’s in my class and i worked on a project with her once and i was being all fucking werid and awkward cuz of my social anixety. I overheard her once calling someone werid. I’m worried she’ll probably spread rumors about me in class and probably think i have a crush on her. I even looked away when she stared at me before and i’m just so dumb. People are gonna say it’s not a big deal but it most likely is. She’s popular in my class and i’m sure she’ll think i like her and spread terrible rumors. She probably already thinks i’m some werid freak. I also acted awkward around her friend and her friend would give me a werid death stare as if i was a creep. Kinda worried to be in that class now

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