Hey Guys, my gf (26) and I (27) are facing some issues during penetration sex. She says that she cannot enjoy piv sex fully, because she always feels a burning feeling over her inside due to my bigger girth around 6 inches. This usually occurs after a few thrust. She says that the first thrusts are quite enjoyable but then the burning feeling appears which is not that enjoyable. We already do a lot of foreplay and use a lot of lube. Usualy I also eat her out first and finger her to get her more relaxed. This really helps but cannot solve the problem fully.
Do you have more tips for this problem? Any tips are really appreciated! Especially from the female reditors. Thanks a lot.

  1. A burning sensation can either be the product of an allergic reaction to things like lube or sperm aside. Or, that sensation can be caused by micro abrasions caused by very small tears in her vaginal tissue in accommodating your size.

    It may be worth her seeing a gynecologist about this, but you can also try changing loops to see if that helps at all. If the burning sensation persists, it’s suggest that it’s not an allergic reaction, but probably those micro abrasions. In that case, it’ll just take more time for her body to get used to penetrative sex, and that something that a doctor or gynecologist can help with in terms of recommending approaches

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