I (M32) met this girl (F26) when I signed up for CrossFit. She worked there. From the first moment, there was a good feeling between the two. Some days I stayed talking to her and everything was fine. I didn’t make much of an effort because I thought she didn’t like me.

One day we went to the same party. And there I realized that she really liked me. Two days later I asked her out and she accepted with a smile from ear to ear. The dates were incredible. I think one of the best I’ve had in my life. The connection was spectacular. We saw each other 5 days in a row, since I returned to live in my hometown and we wanted to spend those days together. It was like a summer love. We knew that we were going to see each other from time to time since I was going to go there once a month or every two.

All this happened in a period of 1 month – 1 and a half.

When I was here with her, texting was fine. We just planned what we were going to do that day. Sometimes she would leave me on seen. But whenever it was a matter of plans, she told me her agenda and when she could.

The last day, before I go. We saw each other and said goodbye. On the way home I sent her some messages and a song that I liked. She only answered if I had come home, I answered her and she didn’t say anything else. The next day I sent her an audio saying that I was already on my way, that it was at 8am. She answered me at 9pm, with a very short audio as it was. I answered her the next morning since I was at a birthday party and preferred to wait until the next day when there were no people around.

After my message, she did not answer again. It was so weird. I decided not to write again, I didn’t know how to handle the situation and I didn’t want to be the one behind it all the time. I thought that knowing that we would hardly see each other, she preferred that we not speak again.

A week and a half passed, and we didn’t know anything about each other. The opportunity arose for me to return to her city that same week. I had to finish some documents. I decided not to say anything to her and surprise her. Curiously, one day before going, she sends me an audio asking me how I am and if I had met another girl, in a “joke” way. I decided not to answer, since I was going to see her in a few hours. The next day, I brought her breakfast. When she saw me her face lit up, she ran to give me a hug, she couldn’t believe it.

That same day we had dinner and slept together, in the morning we said goodbye as if we were the most in love couple in the world. I still have a few days left in the city and we plan to see each other. But we return to the problem of the text. She leaves me on seen, I talk to her about some things and she answers, but she doesn’t give me a conversation. Yesterday she left me on seen again. I wrote to her this morning saying good morning and he answers me right away.

This situation is weird for me. When we are in person she is super responsive and we talk about everything. Having done seduction in the past, I was left with the fact that everything is a game and everything has to be calculated in each message. And right now I don’t know how to act with her. I get the feeling that she expects me to be the one to take action on everything.

1 comment
  1. 😂 I’m laughing because there’s a Woman I’m kinda seeing, not the way you’re seeing yours but more like a friendship. In person she’s so jolly, beautiful and responsive, we’ll talk for hours and hold hands in public, even though we’re just friends.

    But then….when it comes to texting, I don’t hear from her for days, leaves me on seen and when she responds, all I get is: ok, what and huh? Literally. Mind you this Woman like most Women stay taking selfies everyday and into their IG, Twitter and Tik Tok.

    I don’t even know how to handle this myself.

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