I copied and pasted this part right here because another user’s question pretty much summed up the issue I’m facing with someone I’m dealing with rn: “Uncut but retractable foreskin question. I feel pain/numbness during sex if i retract/pull back my foreskin but with foreskin i can sort of feel something”. The sex between us is good, but he cannot cum off of penetration with me because his foreskin stays retracted when he’s inside of me… It shoots my confidence down because I can only get him to cum from head and not penetration which makes me sad. Uncircumcised men out there, if you go through this is there any position or manipulation tips that you could give me that helps the foreskin retract and I guess “come back” during PIV intimacy?

  1. I’m going to assume he masturbates with the foreskin covering the head the whole time? That’s gonna be an issue here, because that has nothing to do with sex, and he’s trained his body to respond to the wrong stimuli.

    The good news is that this is fixable. Basically, buy a Fleshlight-style masturbator, and _stop doing it by hand, 100%, period_. It’ll suck at first because he won’t be able to cum from it either, but with his hand out of the picture, his body will adapt quickly. Few weeks, likely. But self-discipline is the key here — if he “cheats” with the old stimuli, it resets the clock.

  2. How is the lubrication situation? I am uncircumcised and have never had any trouble orgasming during penetrative sex. But if there is minimal lubrication, it can be a little painful.

  3. If he can’t retract the foreskin, pretty good chance that he has Phimosis of some level. I had it, and surgery was the only option.

    If it can partially retract he may be able to fix it with stretching. Would recommend that he see’s a urologist.

  4. I’m not a doctor, but I hear you saying that his foreskin is just stretchy enough to slip back, but just tight enough that it strangles the glans when retracted. That sounds very uncomfortable. Definitely worth a urology consultation.

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