I often have a friend stop talking to me, and when I ask why, all they say is “i don’t know” and when I ask if I did something wrong they say no.

The only explanation I can think of is that they are bored of me and have no interest in communicating with a boring person.

But? What can I do about it? Even if I tell my friends that I think they got bored of me and ask how I can be a more interesting friend, they have no clue what to tell me. I think I’m boring but I don’t knpw why

  1. I had to learn this the hard way. If people stop talking to you, you’re simply not a priority. Sure they can busy but if you’re a priority they would find a way to contact you. The best thing would probably be to just let them go. Don’t waist you’re time on people who don’t care.

  2. Or maybe they don’t always feel the need to exchange uninteresting, boring and pointless banter for no reason? Some people like to have a reason to talk….

  3. It doesn’t necessarily mean that at all, could be loads of different reasons. No conversation goes on consistently forever, it had to end at some point

  4. Nobody is going to tell you directly why they suddenly stopped talking to you. The real reason is that you gave off negative vibes in some way or some form.

    Your major issue is You lack confidence within yourself. If you have to ask other people if you are boring, that means you care more about other’s opinions of you and don’t respect yourself. It also signifies you act unworthy around other people. Nobody wants to be friends with somebody who constantly acts unworthy and beneath others. Deep down, you find yourself boring and you are unhappy with yourself. But you seemingly refuse to put in the time and effort to be immersed in your life and become confident and interesting and stop thinking negatively of yourself. Instead, you need others to constantly validate and tell you that you are not boring.

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