It’s becoming increasingly apparent these things aren’t in my future. I want to work on myself, get into better shape and be a more characteristic person but to what end? It always ends the same. Me. Alone in my room.

  1. Hi. I was in the same situation and I was convinced to be in a good place. I used to say that people didn’t understand me, so I didn’t need people. I worked on myself, it wasn’t easy at all but now I got friends who support me and love me no matter what, and I am seeing someone and currently hoping to have a relationship with them

    Don’t give up. Trust me, I know how hard it can be, but the work will be worth it.

  2. You said, “I want to work on myself, get into shape and be a more charismatic person.” You didn’t do that, did you? Gave up too quick! You tried but not hard enough, obviously. Stop looking down at it, look up, see the light.
    I once had an acquaintance who told me that at every nightclub he attended, he always asked 35 girls to have sex with him that night. He got about 10 maybe’s and one yes on average; plus a few slaps I’m guessing, but still??? He was always positive. As the girls say, “kiss enough frogs, you’ll find your Prince”.

  3. Relationships require humility, work, and compromise. Personally I’ve decided I’m not generous enough to be in a relationship any time soon. It takes generosity to say “I don’t have what I want in life/I’m not the person I want to be, but I’ll put myself out there for you anyway”

    I don’t want people to see a version of myself that I dislike, so I don’t reach out unless I’m feeling really accomplished. That leads to me being alone a lot.

    In my opinion, if you can accept your own flaws, someone else will be able to as well. If you can’t, not many will. I don’t accept my flaws because I want to be better, and i believe I’m the only one who can make myself better. That leads to a lonely grind.

    I could probably use more help, more time with people. It’s about balance.

    The whole point is, the older you get, (I’m 29) you realize that relationships aren’t just about you. You can have relationships if you want, you just have to realize that it’s a sacrifice and if you aren’t ready/willing to sacrifice you’re going to be more alone. Being alone is not bad, it can help you sometimes.

    You have the power to change your loneliness. Accept solitude and get on your grind, or reach out to others and get help. Either way it will work out fine. People come and go.

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