Dear Women of Reddit, what life skills have you developed in the last year and very proud about?

  1. I’ve learned how to properly process my emotions and self soothe my triggers.

    Sounds a bit silly but my home life growing up was chaotic so it was a skill I didn’t come by honestly and had to learn myself in adulthood.

  2. I am learning to leave my social anxiety behind and try to establish small talk with random people. I still have a long way to go, but I have noticed recently that I have improved a lot compared to some years ago.

  3. I’m learning how to cook. I’m nearly 40 with a family, so I’ve always been able to put food on the table. Not bad food, just meh. This past year it has progressed to good food. I’m pretty proud of that.

  4. My sexual exploration and toy collection. I’ve grown so much last year and expanded my knowledge.

  5. I’ve learned to cook very well. I’ve experimented and make almost everything from scratch. My husband loves to brag about it. I’m very proud.

  6. I bought a home! So, everything that goes with that. I’ve always been good with money, but I’ve had to become a bit handy as well.

  7. Idk if it is a skill but learning to understand that everyone is just trying. All kinds of trying. Trying to live, survive, take one step at a time, breathe, move on… the list goes on. When you get to that point or be in that perspective, you’ll see people and things differently.

    Also, it is very important to know what you really wanna do in life. Your purpose. It can take months or even years of self reflection and self assessment to figure it out.

  8. Taking care of a baby. I never thought I’d be able to function on such an interrupted sleep schedule, let alone everything else that comes with taking care of a tiny human.

    Turns out I’m far more adaptable than I thought.

  9. I learned coping techniques for what I thought were personal failings but are much more likely symptoms of ADHD!

    Currently seeking out a firm diagnosis and a stimulant prescription.

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