I am 21F and I am small and thin. But I eat quite a lot compared to the size of me and especially care for the protein intake every meal.

When gatherings, I usually cook the food for friends as I am a good cook and because we only had very limited size or pork, i wanted to share them equally ( there were 3 female and 2 male friends). But 1 female friend always act like it’s very “normal” to give larger portion to the boys and that annoys me…. I mean if there was enough food, I could have served as much as I wanted myself. But there wasn’t. And the guy friends who always receive that food as it’s something ‘natural’ and ‘normal’ annoy me and I don’t even wanna cook for them anymore…

That got me thinking, does everyone just give larger portion to men or boys just as it’s something normal and natural thing to do? I am genuinely wondering.

  1. I give my husband more food than me because I eat more snacks than he does. But that’s the only reasoning. Sometimes the extra food is just more vegetables too.

  2. I wouldn’t do it, unless I knew how little or how much each person eats.

    Some people learn that behavior in their families–their mom might have a practice of giving her sons more food than her daughters. Could be because she’s projecting her own food or weight issues on to her kids, or because she thinks boys are bigger and should eat more.

  3. It’s because the average man is bigger than the average woman and, on average, bigger people eat more. She’s putting out food amounts that most likely match your appetites. If you want more, ask to have more. It’s not a competition.

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