I have been with my guy for 2 years. Never expected anything but just that be my guy. My birthday came up and he told me be ready for dinner. He hyped it up so much I was actually excited. He showed up late…I ended up cooking….and I got bullshit for a gift. Don’t get my wrong I’m grateful for him trying, but I feel disappointed. Mainly because he goes out his way for his friends. I feel like I’m the side chick.

  1. I didn’t give any attitude. I didn’t say anything. I just cleaned up after dinner and watched a movie

  2. But…he really didn’t try. He showed up late, you cooked. How is that trying? You need to raise your standards. He treats you this way, because you let him. Take a stand or you will always be the side chick.

  3. Have a serious talk about this with him and go from there. If he doesn’t step up ASAP & make up for this crap, you need to end it.

  4. So yesterday a woman wrote a dm to me and explained me based on one of my posts, that I try to hard and care way too much about everything and that this is why my dating life is not working.
    It really hit me and reading all of this similar stories, I understand more and more what she is saying.

    This post is one among many that shows she is right.
    He didn’t do anything at all and you are still saying that he tried. When I did/do everything, it is still not enough. I need to lower my efforts to 10%, so I can shine when going up to 50% of my effort.

  5. It’s hard to get a sense of who he really is based on just one day (even if it is your birthday).

    What’s the context here? Is this how he normally is, or did he have the worst day of his life and his plans fell through but he tried his hardest to do what he could? How old are you both? What’s your relationship been like up to this point? Based on what you’ve said he sounds like a dick, but there’s a lot of information missing… and if Reddit’s taught me anything, it’s that people often leave out information on purpose to influence the advice they get.

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