I’ve been seeing this guy for about 2 weeks now we hangout basically every day, I do a lot of have feelings for him yes but also don’t know if I am fully ready for a relationship when the time comes.

Years back i went to middle school with this guy im seeing now I’ll call him “tyler” and back then I dated this other guy from our school who I’ll call “Carl”, obviously the guy who I’m seeing how remembers me and and Carls MIDDLE SCHOOL RELATIONSHIP witch it lasted a month because I was like 13 at the time anyways,

tyler introduced me to one of his other friends during the time we’ve been seeing eachother his name is aidan who also went to our middle school, yesterday I get a call from aidan idk how his name was already in my contacts or idk if it just shows up automatically but it said his name, Aidan and tyler where together at the time too I text the number and ask who is this acting like idk who it is and he says “Carl ____” claiming to be the guy I dated in middle school?? When I know it’s not, I ask what he wants n he says “he’s horny” I told him to delete my number and never text me again and called him weird going along with it. I felt weird calling him out.

i know it was his friend who texted me trying to “test me” or somthing weird idk do I confront him about it, idk what to do I like my men psychotic and obsessive but like idk I also see it as a red flag u know.

  1. i should clarify I don’t even consider my middle school relationship a relationship because I was so young but idk if a guy did this to any of u would u be weirded out? Or what would u do

  2. Double check that Aidan and Tyler were together. If they were then I personally would not bother with Tyler anymore, because I do not have time or patience for people who play silly games. If you do then go for it but expect more of the same.

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