What’s your biggest turnoff/ick?

  1. Bad hygiene and people who are way too into anime girls — usually, these are mutually exclusive

  2. Ventriloquists, foot guys, doesn’t take care of themself (body & mentally), anime simps

  3. I like people who practice some humility. If you go around talking about how awesome you are, I assume you’re actually infuriating to be around

  4. When men’s pants aren’t to their waist and it’s about to fall off also when they approach me with “shorty lemme holla at ya” …. um no

  5. Being controlling. I dated this guy who would physically grab my hand when I would bite my nails, because “nail biting is gross”.

  6. Men invading my personal space. The arrogance, selfish, and the pleasure these motherfuckers take in blocking you in makes me feral.

    Don’t ever fucking touch my neck.

  7. Constantly talking unironically about “securing the bag” and idolizing certain celebrities regardless of how shitty/evil they are

  8. I know men need their space and etc . But , when you need too much space that’s a huge turn off .

  9. Cringe social media presence. I’ve met (and been with) some great guys who just have the cringiest fucking online presence. Usually includes a ton of selfies and obnoxious captions. It’s a massive turn off to me.

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