So, I’ve been rubbing at least one out every day for over a month now and I’m sick and tired of it. At first I just did it after waking up due to morning wood, but I dont even get that no more. It’s just a ridiculous addiction that makes me feel like shit.

The effects from constant masturbation have ruined my sex life. I’ve started getting performance anxiety out of nowhere, with someone that I’ve been linking for a while.
I used to get hard just from a woman touching my crotch but now I can barely even get hard from sexual actions a lot of the times. And my boners aren’t the same as before. Honestly Idk what to do. I’ve tried my best to stop fapping but it’s a mental challenge

  1. That sounds more like depression talking than too much masturbating. But hey just lay off the jerking if it makes you feel better.

  2. “Stopping” probably isn’t a realistic goal at 22 years old. It’s like if you are overweight due to overeating and you say “I’m going to try to stop eating”….it won’t work out well, will it?

    Instead…..stay positive and rebalance. If you have a habit of watching porn, take a break because that can become a Pavlov’s Dog deal if you let it. Then work on limiting your orgasms….once a day is not unreasonable and it’s sort of a clean number.

    Now….level up! Masturbation is healthy and if you are in control of it, it can unlock a lot of sexual potential. There is this tantric practice (a branch of yoga) called “non-ejactulatory orgasms” and apparently you can achieve this sort of sublime sexual state where you can achieve multiple orgasms without ejaculating through a combination of kegels, edging and patience/time to learn your body. So, in that way, masturbation becomes more of a slow journey of self exploration, a form of meditation and unlocking pleasure on a higher plane. Those guys become legendary lovers, because they are able to have sex well beyond 30 minutes or an hour without ejactulating, and they often choose to have ejaculatory orgasms only 1 or 2 times a week in order to harness their full sexual and orgasmic (non-ejactulatory) potential. So… THAT. Instead of always masturbating….always Master ‘Bating.


  3. You should still be able to have sex if you are only rubbing one out once a day.

    I would suspect you might just not know what you enjoy so the sex is difficult to get into, and the shame you put on yourself isn’t helping. You could be depressed, your hormones could be changing at that age but still the morning wood is a good sign, or you might just be in your head.

    None of these symptoms are caused by masturbation.

  4. Are you addicted to masturbating or is it the porn you look at whilst you do it? Some men see porn and masturbating as synonymous, they aren’t.

    My boyfriend had a porn addiction, masturbating was just a side effect. He would be bored/depressed/compulsive and start browsing at porn for a high, and this would lead to him masturbating.

    It was negatively affecting our relationship (no sex or desire for me) so I told him he has to pick me or porn. It is obvious that porn was artificially giving him a libido because when he gave it up he no longer had the desire to orgasm every day. In fact once a day was his physical limit on recharge time, now he prefers every few days and can see the benefits to waiting (better orgasms). He is also a lot more ‘into’ me now that he isn’t scrolling through hundreds of other women every day.

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