I, 26F, started talking to a guy, 26M, at the end of October this year. We’ve pretty much haven’t stopped talking since our first conversation. He’s everything I want in a guy and I just really like him as a person and could see him as a potential partner. I believe the feeling is mutual as he tells me the same things.

At the beginning of this year I decided I was going to move to Florida because I’m tired of living in the Midwest and want to live somewhere warm. I leave in March 2023 and I’m getting pretty sad that I feel like I finally found someone I want to date after so many failed ones. I’m trying to make myself become less into him, not that I’m like in love with him or anything, but I just don’t want it to hurt so much when I leave. We’ve joked about him moving with me and he did tell me that Florida is where he’d like to retire eventually but I just feel like it’s all just fun to talk about. I’m not sure it’s going to happen. I’m just trying to enjoy my last few months here with him but I can’t help feel this sense of dread about it eventually coming to an end.

  1. Why do you need to move in March of 2023?

    If there is not some major pressing reason, I personally would stick around if I found someone I really like.

    I don’t mean you need to stick around indefinitely, but it’s worth a conversation with this guy if he would be down to move (down the line) assuming you continue to get serious.

    Like he probably doesn’t want to commit after such a short time, but maybe in 3-9 months he would be more willing to move with you.

  2. My opinion is that you don’t like this guy as much as you think you do. It doesn’t sound like your move to Florida is being forced by anything other than you wanting to move. So you are choosing to move away from someone you met and like. You are in control of everything that is happening in this situation. I wouldn’t expect this guy to move with you. You can either stay and get to know him better, or move and date men in Florida.

  3. When you move to Florida, do you think you’d be willing to maintain a long-term relationship with him. Sometimes it can be worth it, but the outside pressures of the other available options closer to you can be daunting.

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