I’m a grown ass adult, but because I was raised in the cult of Mormonism (where ALL discussion of sex is limited to marriage or telling your bishop how many times you masturbated since you last talked to him and whether you felt sufficiently guilty for it) I have no idea whether or how I can talk about my sex life with anyone other than my current (hypothetical) partner.

So who do you talk to about it? When do you feel like it’s okay to?

1 comment
  1. Hey this is a great question and wow it seems like you’ve been through quite a massive shift in your social norms recently. Honestly I’m not sure there is a “right” or “wrong time” – it’s mostly situational. There are a ton of subtleties to this to pay attention to. Getting accustomed with readying body language is important. And there are ways to talk about it without coming off as a creep or disrespectful.

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