I have an issue where I get over-excited talking about certain subjects. I’m decent at talking “normally” when making small talk or just bullshitting. But when I get excited about certain topics, its like a switch goes off. I lose all self-awareness, start talking really fast, stop making eye contact, revert to weird mannerisms without thinking. Honestly I think its a legit adrenaline rush. It’s frustrating because I’m trying to make more friends with interests to me, but I feel like the more we have in common, the more likely they are to trigger this response. Which then turns them off– I can feel their respect and interest in me draining.

So I’m trying to be more mindful, rein in the impulse, which is helpful to some degree. But on a deeper level I have to reframe my idea of socializing. Is the point of talking to convey ideas? Yes, to some extent. But it’s also an interaction with another live, conscious human being, where there are other aspects besides just getting ideas across. You have to think about not talking over them, opening space for them to relate to you, and of course not embarrassing yourself. Trying to adjust my philosophy and ask myself what the point of conversation is. What is the end goal? In a lot of these cases at least, especially with people I don’t know well, it’s to make a good impression so we can be friends. If talking about big ideas will get in the way of that, maybe I should just try to avoid those conversations until I’m comfortable with them.

To head off the obvious answer: Idk if I’m autistic and I don’t really care. Whether I am or not I would have to practice this skill anyway so I’d rather not get bogged down in that discussion.

1 comment
  1. Just be you as long as you’re being appropriate and respectful. If they like you they see the real you, and if they don’t well it wasn’t going to work out anyway. Don’t change your quirks for other people.

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