how do you know when to trust ur gut?

  1. I only trust my gut when there isn’t time to stop and consider if my instincts are wrong.

  2. intuition is a skill that is developed. you’ve gotta just take those risks, sometimes they pan out sometimes they don’t

  3. When there isn’t a better option. “If you can’t do something smart, do something good.”

  4. I always trust my gut! I don’t always act on it immediately, sometimes I need to assess and collect data to support what it is telling me first..

  5. I literally don’t know what a “gut feeling” or “trusting your gut” is. I think about something and decide logically what I should do. There’s no feeling or intuition involved in the process at all.

    I have never had the sensation of just knowing something, everything I figure out is through trial and error.

  6. When I have to start talking myself to do something or get the nerve up. There’s a reason why your facilities get upset. Think of it as a spider sense.

  7. If it’s an area that I have expertise in then I trust it. If it’s an area I’m learning about, I usually trust it.

    If it’s something brand new, I do a gut check first…WHY did I have a gut reaction? After a moment of introspecting I either trust it or discard the feeling if I realize its nerves not instinct.

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