So last night he had told me about his childhood friend who had a crush on him and they had flirted before and this girl told him she wanted to have sex with him once she will come back to our country, and this girl has a husband and 2kids and he is aware of that but he still flirted with her. But it did not progress further because he told me he was afraid of karma. However I found out that he is still sending heart reacts and liking photos of this girl on instagram and facebook. That made me so upset. I made it clear to him before that it is so disrepecting when he is liking provocative photos of other girls and I still see him liking some provocative photos on IG and photos of his past flings and he still follows his ex on facebook and instagram even though they already unfollowed him. He was the one who told me that his ex unfollowed him and maybe the present man of his ex told her to unfollow him. And I added that unfollowing people from your past is just showing respect from your present. But he justified his actions that if he will also unfollow his exes means he is showing them that he is still affected and bothered. That ex was the one he had a hard time moving on and they were supposedly got back together last 2020 but the girl found a new guy.
We are in private relationship he only share photos of us in his IG stories 4 times, but I am not sure if he had it hidden from those girls. I’m now having a doubts in him and he also told me I am toxic for reacting that way because of his pasts.
I have a trust issues because the guy I dated before made me a rebound and got back to his ex. I need advice please.

  1. You have to legitimately consider how this makes you feel. If you’re not okay with this and he is not on the same page; then consider the possibility of breaking up if he continues to disrespect your feelings. At the end of the day a relationship is a mutual agreement between the two of you and if only one person is being fulfilled you need to do what you must to achieve what you seek from your partner while also respecting them. If that’s not viable then comprises have to be made or you need to go your separate ways so you’re able to meet your own needs. At the end of the day you gotta do you; with or without them and not at the cost of your own individuality based on what that means to you. GL 🙂 and I hope things work out the way you seek them to.

  2. It’s normal to feel insecure about your partner and relationship once you’ve been burnt already but an overbearing partner all but guarantees a breakup. That being said, a relationship is built on boundaries and permissions and if your partner is not able or willing to accept and share yours, nor you theirs, then both of you should move on and spare yourselves more heartache and drama. I cannot speak about your partner since I only have your side of the story but i know from personal experience that most human beings enjoy the feeling of being desired and enjoy certain interactions without having any desire to cheat on their SO’s. Your partner could be one of those, or he may just be keeping you around until something better comes along. He is the only one who can answer that. Have a talk, tell him what is bothering you, listen to what is bothering him and figure out together if you should continue the relationship or not, but if the trust is not there anymore it might as well be over already.

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