First at all some context:

I’ve been seeing a girl for the last two months, me(M24) and she (F22). It’s always been nice since the beginning, after three dates we started kissing and we got to be together more in a romantic way, althought we have not formalised it yet or whatsoever.

The doubts have started to arise for the last week. She was going to make a job trip for the weekend and she asked me to meet the day before she left, in order to be together before her departure, there she invited me (first time that she said hello with a kiss, which made me feel quite her boyfriend btw) to a bar she was at and introduced me some close friends of her. Things started to get serious to me. It all went fine and I felt we both started to get more attached, until her comeback.

After she came back she hasn’t been texting too often, just a couple interactions per day, and I don’t know what to expect for the next time we meet, which will be soon.

My main worry is that I would like to tell her how Im feeling about her, Im starting to get more attached and I would like to know how she is living it, but I dont know how to bring this topic naturally. I don’t want her to think that I want a serious and negative talk like “are you my girlfriend or what”, but I don’t know if it’s ok to sit down and talk about “us”, or how to even do it.

English is not my first language so apologies if I made some mistake… I’ll be happy to answer any doubts generared.

1 comment
  1. don’t bring it up first wait for her to bring it up so you don’t do it too early by accident.

    may take a week or a year, but if you keep seeing each other and have fun together she will bring it up eventually.

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