My mum can’t work since she has to take care of us. And my dad has a photography business.

Edit: To be more specific, it’s £11,600. Confirmed by my brother (17 Yr old)

  1. Absolutely pitiful. Get to the Citizens Advice Bureau, or some other benefits expert. There are all sorts of payments they could be entitled to.

  2. That’s considerably less that what you’d earn working full time for minimum wage.

    If your Dad is working full time for his photography business and that’s all he’s pulling in then he should just scrap it an work for someone else.

  3. Are your siblings not old enough for school yet? If they’re at school then I’m surprised your mum hasn’t looked for some part time work, particularly as your dad doesn’t have a 9-5 so she likely has some flexibility. And if your dad’s photography only pulls in 10k then he should probably jack it in and get full time work, or at least get a 2nd job.

  4. If your dads business is only bringing that much money in then he should consider moving into a minimum wage job that automatically will pay more.

  5. I dearly, dearly hope you are misinformed about your household income.

    If you aren’t, I honestly don’t know how your parents keep a roof over your head. Your dad would be substantially better off selling his camera and stacking shelves in Tescos.

  6. Your parents should be able to claim universal credit, definitely your mum as she has young children .

  7. It’s relative. It depends on what their outgoings are. Some people can live very frugally, but for the average person that is a very small amount of money to live on.

  8. No one has mentioned this yet – but he may have a salary of £10k that he takes from his business, but he may also be talking dividends. These are separate to his salary and are taxed differently. He may not be telling you everything.

  9. If your parents are paying for your school meals then they definitely earn more than 10k between them.
    I’m thinking Dad is throwing you off as he -quite understandably- doesn’t want you to know what he earns.

  10. Don’t think it’s possible for him to be earning 10k and support a family of 5. Something isn’t adding up. You could get a min wage job to help your family out

  11. >And my dad has a photography business.

    Self-employed and making less than the tax-free allowance.

    They’re able to claim a whole load of benefits and other top-ups

  12. My mum claims she’s earning similar, but as a take-home. Which I know is complete nonsense.

    She’s got 2 houses, goes on holiday 2/3 times a year, football season ticket and a new car…

  13. My first job in 2001 I earned 10k as a cashier in alliance and leceister (now santander). Even then it wasn’t good.

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