Husband will not “let me” allow my parents and their kids to drive our car we are not using for $1,000.00 for 15 days when I pay for 80% of it because it’s in his grandma’s name and the insurance only allows him to drive it. Which doesn’t make any sense to me because the insurance legit covers other people driving the car (husband is not an additional person, the insurance or car loan). I don’t understand how one side can have so much control when I have paid for the majority of everything. Additionally, when his family wants to drive the car (e.g., his dad, family, friends), then it’s okay. I legit do not even get to see my family ever because we are always seeing his. So my family made it official they’d come see me (they’re broke) and I already coordinated their entire booking (due to my job).

Not to mention I just passed my CAM exam so I can manage huge communities and now we are in a big fight. Every time something good happens for me we get into this huge fight always.

  1. Why are you paying for a car that’s not even in your name? Buy your own car and insure it properly. All of this sounds extremely sketchy.

    Now, in a proper, healthy marriage neither partner “allows” the other to do anything. You should both be working together for your mutual benefit and goals. That’s not what’s happening here. I think you should look into whether you have a [Healthy relationship]( or not.

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