If you do something big with lasting damage, its obvious why people will not forgive you. But if you do something small with no lasting damage?

I have had many friends that ended up blocking or ghosting me simply because of small things like I was annoying or said something weird. But isnt it normal that we all say weird or annoying or offensive things accidently sometimes? I have had some friends for a YEAR and then because I was annoying for a few days which ofc was not intentional, they decided to block me. Understandable, but a month later when I try to contact them, they are still mad and tell me to stop contacting them.

So why do people care more about something small that happened, but they dont care about how close the friendship was, they dont care about an apology, they dont care about a change in behavior, why are these people so stuck in the past looking at whatever bad thing happened?

  1. Why do you keep posting the same questions over and over again about why people block or ghost you ? It’s one thing if one person does it. But if you claim people do this all the time to you, then there is something you are doing to make people treat you that way. Typically, people block or ghost you when you continue to chase or beg them for their time and attention when they have shown you the signs they aren’t interested in you. People also do this when you bring overall negative vibes to the conversations i.e. you vent a lot or you display constant anxiety, fear, nervousness, or unworthiness around them around them. People also block or ghost when it is apparent to them that you are making them your only social option i.e. you are needy and clingy for their time, attention, or validation and you have nothing else going on in your life besides them. Nobody wants to be your only social option.

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