Will be a long post, but necessary.

Here’s the situation: I have Asperger’s and I need to learn social skills. Yes need. Social skills is necessary in every facet of success in society. I don’t think this is a debatable topic in this thread. I wish for a good life and this will need to be done. I want to be at the level where I can have all the kinds of relationships I wish, so I hope this can prove a good resource.

In case you don’t know what autism is, a very short tldr: I don’t learn social skills naturally and never will. I’m at level zero and need to be at a good level. I have to turn IQ—>EQ, and this is a way of doing that. I can go on all day, but this is one of the ways it affects me, so I have to work with that.

It will be necessary for me to do some observational learning from others. How I will do this is that I will observe people “people watch.” Festivals, bars, restaurants, clubs are good candidates. I’m really not trying to be stalkerish, but I don’t have a choice. It’s a problem to lose chances at learning, and it’s also a problem to people watch. What a dilemma!

Thist may not go well. Why? If I’m at a social function alone, trying to observe how others interact, it won’t look good. If I try to act social, it will go badly. If I disclose my situation, it will go badly (I live in a small community and mental disorders are very stigmatized in the US).

I hope there are some high EQ people in this sub reddit that can help me find some answers about socialization. That will help immensely. Yes, high EQ. I can’t learn anything meaningful from people with low EQ nor improve. EQ —> emotional intelligence.

In case the solution is that I’ll have to interact in these various social functions, I hope I can ask guys how to go about it. For example, which kind of bars should I go to? What’s the dynamic in bars in small communities? Where should I sit? Is talking to couples off limits? All of this I DON’T KNOW THE ANSWER. I can’t start with experience, so I’ll have to start with knowledge. I’m exacerbated on even having to write about this, but I don’t have a choice. Therapy is not accessible for me and I don’t think it’ll even help much. I look for you guys for help and I hope what I’m writing here makes even a little sense. If it doesn’t, ask. Anything else, write.

  1. tldr, how should I act exactly in a social function? I’ll have many, many questions and I hope to find a volunteer because this is all I can do.

  2. You might wanna cross post to some of the ASD subs as well, they may have some resources.

    But without a specific situation I don’t think everyone will have much advice. The advice changes dramatically depending on situation and social protocol. Good luck tho, I’m in the same boat and it’s hard to figure out.

  3. First, try the YouTube channel Charisma on Command. Lots of great tips for handling all sorts of social interactions. Part of the reason I’m such a social butterfly now is because I started watching those videos years ago

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