My gf and I have been having some sexual problems in the bedroom and she just doesn’t seem to be in the mood as much as she use to be. I am really physically attracted to her and she is by far the hottest looking woman I have dated and I would say she is a 9/10 if not a 10 in looks for me, or in my opinion, in the sense that she is also fit and in good health.

The last woman I hooked up before this relationship (a fwb) I was not as much physically attracted to. She weighed probably around 300 pounds or 280 I am guessing at least, which is double the weight of me approximately. But her weight also made it difficult to have sex, as I had trouble getting in there because of the weight.

However, she was always in the mood and would do anything I wanted to do in bed. Really passionate and giving. So this makes me wonder, what is more important between physical attraction and sexual?

Sure the woman before was physically a challenge to have sex with , but I wonder if I made the wrong decision since she would do anything I want, and that is more important than having to get around a physical challenge?

What do you think? Does this make sense? Thank you for any input on this. I really appreciate it.

  1. If she was ready to shag all the time before and that’s no longer the case, then something significant has changed. Unless some kind of major life stressor has popped up, chances are good it’s you. Have you gained weight? Lost your physique? Is your hygiene up to snuff? If you’re good on those, then it’s possible she’s lost attraction to you because of your behavior in some way. You might have started to become bland or boring which is absolutely a passion-killer. From the sounds of it, you might even be putting this girl on a hell of a pedestal and rhat too can kill desire. The larger girl recognized how out of her league you were and so wanted to compensate with whatever she could i.e. her sex. The Hottie doesn’t feel that way and therefore no compulsion to be sexually available to you. Remember, you can’t negotiate desire. Always pay attention to what people DO, not what they say.

  2. Has she started any new medications, including new birth control? Those can destroy libido

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