When you enter college and meet new people, you think this friendship is going to stay forever… but in the end, you will see you have zero real friends.

You started feeling that everyone is your competition here and you are lagging somewhere. Sometimes i feel like having this inability to feel happy for someone else success.

Idk maybe this is due to past experiences which made me feel unworthy or lack of self confidence

I literally idk what i need to do

1 comment
  1. When I was in college, there was this one teacher who pointed out this exact issue, I studied industrial-design so we had LOTS of works to do,
    But this guy started the class by dividing us into groups, he even separated friends or couples, and we ended up in 5 groups of 4, he made each team to name their group and make chat group and gave projects to each one of us(he explained he was trying to teach us teamwork lol) ;
    You see there was still competition between groups(I don’t think it’s a bad thing to be competitive) but inside the group we had to work with each other and make time for gatherings and planning the project and each individual took responsibility for the part they taught are best at, plus one leader(who was choosen by the group) who had to push the team forward. (I remembered being truly impressed by some of their skills since it was also benefiting our team)
    I’m still friends with one of those people and had a good relationship with the other two whilst in the team,
    What I’m trying to say is…
    Maybe if you pick two or three of your classmates and form such group , and really try to see and work on each other’s advantages, you may actually make some worthy relationships.

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