Got a uni crush (20f) and want to try my chances. I (20m) met her when being assigned a group project. Currently there’s a half semester study break going on for a 1.5 weeks and I’m questioning if I should ask now, or after we finish our group assignment in a month to avoid awkwardness in the group incase I get rejected. At the moment during the break workload isn’t much I’m assuming.

However when we finish our assignment, there’s also final exams to study… and I don’t think it’s a good idea to ask when everyone’s studying?

I do want to ask in person tbh and that’s only possible after we finish our project and present to the class. but If it’s suggested to ask during the break now or after final exams I could msg her on fb

(In hindsight I could’ve created convo with her outside of class via fb when she added me on fb during the first week, oh well) (she didn’t add everyone else in the group and I’m crushing on her because of our interactions in class lol)

ask uni crush now (during a half-semester study break), or after group assignment presentation in person (1 month ahead), or after final exams (slightly over a month ahead)

1 comment
  1. You should consider waiting, if the assignment is time consuming and stressful, focusing on it, and celebrating success with her may be better.

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