I’m wondering how fasting works I want to do a total body cleanse, wondering if people drink broth , I don’t drink anything with caffeine in it , I manly drink water and occasional hot chocolate

Edit 1: I’ve started to use my fitness pal, slowly cutting hot chocolate out I generally have two xlrg from Tim’s each day 3 days a week. My have gluten issues need to cut that out also . And my liver is that of a alcoholic I don’t drink or do drugs. I stress eat

  1. Just a heads up: If you are trying to completely avoid caffeine you should also avoid anything with chocolate in it as chocalate most definitely contains caffeine. It’s in lesser amounts than in coffee but it’s definitely there.

  2. There are great many ways of fasting. They start from water+ bread to vegetables only ( no fat/broth). Idea is to exclude fats and meats. I’d suggest starting with one day a week and add days as you feel comfortable. On certain times of the year I fast two days a week, Wednesday and Friday but I do it more for religious reasons than anything. It helps me concentrate on prayers and wellbeing.

  3. Fasting and cleansing are two different things. Fasting can be beneficial but should be done as a part of an more holistic change to your diet; cleansing is snake oil bullshit.

    Check out r/intermittentfasting for more info on how to start fasting safely.

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